Creative Ideas for Cooking Leftovers

JUNE 11 / 2024  by Nestlé

After the meal is before the meal. I have refined the old football saying: “After the game is before the game”. This way it also fits in with the topic of using leftovers – a topic that is really close to my heart. Because food is precious and therefore it should always end up where it belongs – namely in the pot. Period. But since it is in the nature of cooking that something is left over, it is time to use up leftovers. And with my recipe ideas it is really easy and delicious. Incidentally, cooking with leftovers is also very practical in everyday life. 

4 good tips for proactive leftover cooking

I don’t want to come across as a pedant, but: Responsible food handling often begins before you even start cooking. And that’s why I’ve put together a few easy-to-implement tips that might help you cook a little more proactively. Just have a look!

  • Plan your Purchases Well

It’s best to only buy food that you really want to use in the next few days. This works particularly well if you don’t go shopping with a growling stomach. This way you avoid not being able to keep up with processing later and the food going bad.

  • Always keep an overview

Make sure you always keep track of the products you still have at home. Before you go shopping, it’s best to take a look in the fridge. These smart fridges with cameras are really practical. They allow you to quickly check in the supermarket that you’re not buying anything twice. That way you don’t waste anything and you also save money, because every spoiled food item has its price!

  • Check the shelf life carefully

Remember: The best-before date of a food is not the same as the expiration date. So take a close look at each food, smell it and taste it. This is an easy way to find out whether the food can still be used.

  • Simply freeze leftover food

The leftovers from many dishes or individual foods are ideal for freezing. This means you can enjoy your delicious food again on a special occasion without having to throw it away. A nice side effect: you also save yourself the preparation – just defrost, heat and eat!